Experience with technology and business areas
ObjectLabs a.s
is owned by the consultants themselves. All are highly motivated and with
long experience. The company develops nearly all types of IT-solutions
tailored for big and small customers alike. Our strategy is using the technology
optimally combining safe development, future flexibility and low costs. Our
activities, uniquely based on employing well experienced consultants only,
puts us in a position to offer in-depth competence covering a wide span of
modern technologies.
and experience with various types of technology We may simply list some of these mastered by ObjectLabs
- Microsoft .NET programming with Visual C#.NET, Visual C++.NET,
VB.NET, ADO.NET og ASP.NET for web solutions
- Windows development of systems and COM components in Basic, C++ and
Active Server Pages including deployment of third party components like Chart
FX grafics, Tee Chart grafics, LeadTools Video, Crystal Reports, etc.
- Java/J2EE solutions for Apache, JBoss, Silverstream (Novell exteNd), Oracle platforms
- Unix programming in C, C++ and other languages on SCO, BSD, Linux
- COBOL, CICS, DB2 and mainframes in general
- Objectmodeling and datamodeling with UML (Rational
Rose), ER (ErWin), SSADM, og NIAM.
- Oracle, MS SQL Server, Sybase, MySQL, PostgreSQL and Informix database design,
development and tuning.
- Web solution with Microsoft IIS, Apache, JSP, ASP, PHP, XML,
XSLT, webservices/SOAP and search engine optimalization.
- Project management and advisory functions with respect to integrating
these technologies, among other things.
and professional experience of our consultants ObjectLabs IT-consultant activities include the
- Finance, insurance, real estate. Wide experience from working
for finance sector customers, including internal calculation components,
solutions advice and general web solutions for Nordea, DnB,
Gjensidige-NOR, Odin Forvaltning, Sparebank1, KLP, Postbanken, Skuld,
Uni Storebrand and others. Administrative system for Exact real estate
agents. Registration system for protected heritage buildings at Riksantikvaren.
Insurance systems. Mainframe based online finance and logistics routines
at Joh.Johansson. Norges Bank. BBS.
- Health services Experience from working with various
solutions like patient registers and diagnostications at Ullevċl University
Hospital. AMIS (Emergency
medicine information system for ambulance management). Fault tolerant
data systems for Akershus central hospital. System for designing web
poll queries at Rikshospitalet. Advice on medical systems of Profdoc.
Patient registrations at Hakadal MS-centre. Institute of pharmacology,
University of Oslo.
- Oil Project management systems and cost control systems for building
drilling rigs and production platforms for Aker/Norwegian Contractors.
Digitization of seismic maps for Geco and Statoil.
- Utilities California power exchange for the OM-group. System
for marketing electricity made for the deregulation of the Norwegian
electric power market.
- Publishing solutions Developed local newspaper web hotel for Nynorsk Pressekontor.
Finance information portal used by Nordea,
DnB, Sparebanken NOR, Sparebank1 and others, for Cicero Consulting.
Virtual coin exhibition for MoneyMuseum in Zürich, Switzerland.
- E-business Web ads for one of the pioneers of this area,
Digilog. Internet advertisement system for Bikez.com a.s.
- Warehousing, logistics Warehouse management and logistics for Eurocheese,
Finncarriers, Esso, Shell
- Accounting Development of international, business specific
accounting and receivables system for IBM North America.
- Environment Web system for comparison and phasing out of
dangerous chemicals for GRIP Foundation.
- Quality assurance Development of quality administration
for QMSI. Competence with the ISO 9000-standard. Report generators.
- Administrative systems Development of a prison term queueing
system with Computas. New case processing system for Oslo Tax office .
Case processing system for Kommunal Lands-Pensjonskasse. Various
systems for Bertel O. Steen. Backoffice system for exchange brokers.
Aquisition system.