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Java and J2EE programming Java and J2EE programming for Oracle databases

Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) is an alternative to the Microsoft COM/.NET technology. This Technology is supported by several suppliers. All implementations are based on the same standard from Sun Microsystems. This standard comprises web, components, transactions, database access and more. It sees large scale use in many different business critical tasks. J2EE offers a complete platform for any use ranging from extensive administrative systems to low-budget websites with modest needs. The large number of suppliers within this technology ensures that it may be tailored to almost any need and budget.

Enterprise Java Beans is a central part of J2EE. Java Beans in the outset builds on and improves on the Microsoft COM technology. Today, Microsoft has launched .NET as it's latest offering for the enterprise-system market. Following tradition, Microsoft has let itself be inspired by the competition in developing .NET. C#, the central programming language of .NET, bears a strong resemblance to Java. The Web technology in .NET has much in common with various web-frameworks on the Java-platform. The heritage thus is, if not obvious, then definitely present. The arguably most fundamental difference between J2EE and the Microsoft technology is the possibility of choosing a suitable J2EE-tool and a well fitting platform from a best-of-breed selection, while the Microsoft platform implies being locked to a one-size-fits-all-philosophy.

ObjectLabs offers IT-consultants who will assist you in finding your way in the J2EE application server market and with implementing  J2EE platform solutions, either utilising tailor made components or building complete applications.

Java and J2EE technology advantages The most important advantages of Java and J2EE technology

The most important advantages of Java are:
  • Supports implementation of scalable heavy-duty solutions.
  • Multiplatform, multi-vendor, available implementations selected by best-of-breed-principle.
  • Component and transaction oriented, distributed technology.
  • Ample ways of accessing different database systems.
  • Supported by important playmakers like Oracle, IBM, HP, Sun, BEA, Novell and others.
  • Rich supply of various tools for RAD.
  • Minimal binding to operating systems and suppliers, portable applications.
  • Many opensource-implementations available, may offer clustered enterprise application servers with no licence costs and low TCO.
  • Full support for XML and webservices.

J2EE applications Your J2EE challenges met by our IT-consultants

You should realize that:
  • J2EE-applications will in some cases demand more resources than traditional applications. The reason for this is that properties like security, scalability and portability introduce an overhead. ObjectLabs knows how to apply "best-practices" and how to avoid traps in J2EE-systems. We have a sober view of which attributes and properties that are important and may thus deliver slim and fast J2EE-solutions.
  • The large number of J2EE-suppliers may make it difficult to look around and choose correctly and profitably. ObjectLabs knows the market and can assist you in finding the right platform for your J2EE-applications.
More on Java, J2EE and Oracle.

ObjectLabs a.s, Aschehougsvei 6, N-0587 Oslo, Norway. Phone (+ 47) 21 39 00 06. Mail post@objectlabs.no