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Mainframe with MVS Mainframes with MVS, Cobol and databases

Traditional mainframes identified by terms like MVS, Cobol, CICS, DB2 are an important part of our activities. Our IT-consultants have several years of  experience doing development for a multitude of businesses and possess the skills to assist with advice, development or maintenance of existing and new systems with results satisfying the strictest requirements.

We have no problems admitting that this breed of systems is unparalleled with respect to accommodating heavy workloads and providing operative reliability, but at the same time we do also see the need for accessing and augmentiing their contents in new systems for intranets and the internet as well. We are therefore taking steps to establish a competitive position with, among other things, the use of Websphere for integrating mainframe systems and netbased systems.

Our consultants have completed missions for banking, insurance, trade and public services, municipal and state. We are continuously acquiring new staff and thereby expanding our services. Contact us for an updated list of available mainframe specialists , both with respect to tools (Cobol, Easytrieve, Supra - or whatever you need) and to tasks.

Cobol system development System development with COBOL 

Cobol, the programming language, has been considered moribund for over twenty years. The fact is, however, that the language is still developing and that uncountable billions have been invested in complex systems that still are indispensable. Protecting and modernizing such investments is a priority for serious operations management. ObjectLabs therefore considers the ability to provide customers with competence for new development, tuning and modernizing an important part of our services.

DB2 and Oracle databases DB2 and Oracle databases

Database maintenance is an important part of our mainframe services. The relational database systems DB2 and Oracle take center stage but at the same time our consultants possess skills and knowledge from other systems, useful in converting between systems in a modernisation process. Contact ObjectLabs with your thoughts and we will provide you with advice and/or assistance.

CICS CICS communication

Our primary competence is with CICS, the preferred system for reliable high volume communication with users, terminals and mainframes all over the world.  Banking and insurance services, travel agency reservations, warehouse and logistics management are but a few examples. 

Websphere for internet Websphere for internet and intranet

It is not necessary and does not always make sense from an economical viewpoint to discard old solutions in order to take advantage of the opportunities of "the World Wide Web".  Websphere is merely one of several products that may be used to form the desired link between your valuable investments and the business opportunities of the future. Contact ObjectLabs to learn what offers we have and get assistance with analysis, procurement or development.

ObjectLabs a.s, Aschehougsvei 6, N-0587 Oslo, Norway. Phone (+ 47) 21 39 00 06. Mail post@objectlabs.no