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OpenSource software for Linux and Windows OpenSource software for Linux or Windows at low cost

OpenSource comprises a collection of software licenses giving the user free access to software including any new developments. OpenSource solutions compares today with the best of commercial suppliers and satisfies most conceivable needs. ObjectLabs offers help with installation, configuration and development of applications based on various OpenSource-technologies. ObjectLabs will act as a partner for your OpenSource-strategy without impeding the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) advantage provided by OpenSource. More on OpenSource and Linux.

Open source solutions The most important advantages using open source solutions

Many will experience several advantages employing open source solutions:
  • Minimal cost of licenses.
  • General access to right-to-the-point help and support from application developers or advanced users. Support may also be bought at same terms as for commercial software.
  • Many OpenSource-solutions are being used as reference implementations and included with commercial offerings, for instance the Apache webserver seen in products from IBM, Borland and Oracle.
  • Common OpenSource applications may be considered having few serious faults, give satisfying performance and have functionality satisfying common needs.
  • Little problems with unnecessary complexity. Commercial software often has functional overkill resulting from ambitious marketing strategies.
  • Source code availability ensures that the supplier capacity won't become a bottle neck should the need for error correction or extended functionality arise.

OpenSource consultants OpenSource challenges that our IT-consultants will meet

The following points should be considered:
  • The size of the market place makes it difficult to find and choose the right solutions. ObjectLabs assists you in finding the software that will solve your problems.
  • It may also be difficult finding one single supplier for your requirements. ObjectLabs takes the responsibility for operating and updating your OpenSource solutions and acts as a OpenSource one-stop-shop for you and your company.
  • Choosing the wrong solution may lead to a TCO surpassing the license cost savings. ObjectLabs helps you in the right direction with a simple cost-benefit-evaluation before a system purchase.
ObjectLabs a.s, Aschehougsvei 6, N-0587 Oslo, Norway. Phone (+ 47) 21 39 00 06. Mail post@objectlabs.no