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PHP for home pages and advanced websites Free PHP for simple home pages and advanced web sites

ObjectLabs IT consultants offer development of low cost homepages as well as advanced web sites using PHP. PHP was a tool for building home pages with relatively simple functionality. However, it has developed into one of the fastest and most advanced tools for large web sites. Contrary to other languages for web development like ASP and Java, PHP is specially made for the web. This language includes object oriented programming and good integration with various database systems. PHP executes quickly and takes high traffic loads. Security is excellent, with easy management. PHP may be used both on Linux, Windows and other platforms. Web sites with PHP may exchange data with other sites built with other technologies by way of XML. PHP is today employed for large,business critical systems like for instance internet stock trading. More on PHP.

MySQL database Free MySQL database for fast data access

MySQL is a very fast DBMS for storage and retrieval of data. If, for instance, an internet user fills out a form, then it is natural to store the content in a database. The stored data may at a later time be retrieved and used for automatic e-mails to that user. Database content will also often be merged into web pages, and also determine the functionality and layout of the page. PHP often utilises MySQL databases for this. MySQL is suitable for small and medium sized databases. If MySQL is based on Linux, it will take large databases with high traffic. More on MySQL.

Free open source programming tools PHP and MySQL are open source solutions

PHP, MySQL and Linux are free open source tools. Apache is commonly used as the webserver . This combination allows for a very fast web service. Source code for all open source tools is freely available. The same is valid fora number of applications and libraries for PHP and MySQL. Needed support may be bought from many competing suppliers. A web site developed with PHP og MySQL may easily be placed and operated at any internet service provider. As this software is for free, this is normally the most cost effective webhosting available. More on Open Source and Linux.
ObjectLabs a.s, Aschehougsvei 6, N-0587 Oslo, Norway. Phone (+ 47) 21 39 00 06. Mail post@objectlabs.no