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Rational Unified Process Rational Unified Process when developing large systems

Rational Unified Process (RUP) is among the most recognized methods in the market for reliable development of large and complex data systems. The data system will normally be modeled using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) all the way from inception to delivery.The processes and the models ensure that requirements are documented, communicated, modified and implemented in a structured manner allowing full control during the life of the project. The data system will be constructed iteratively. Each part of the system will be completed within a single step, the next step commencing in parallell with possible refinements of the previous one.

There are four phases in the RUP, called inception, elaboration, construction and transition, respectively. The inception phase establishes main goals and the framework for the project. The elaboration restructures functional requirements into UML use case models. Architecture, risk analysis and time planning are all taken into consideration in this step. The stepwise development belongs to the construction phase. Transition is delivery of the completed system. More on Rational Unified Process.

Rational Rose and UML modeling Rational Rose and UML modeling

Rational Rose is one of several tools for constructing UML models of data systems. An UML model describes, among other things, use cases for the system, the structure with objects and associated services performed by the objects and how the final system is deployed. Rational Rose is fully integrated with programming tools like Visual Studio from Microsoft. More on Rational Rose and UML.

Entity-relationship data modeling with ERwin Entity-relationship data modeling using ERwin

Data modeling is a cost effective alternative for less complex data systems with relatively well defined requirements. Data modeling with the entity-relationship method models the data instead of the functionality, the method of the UML. Data models are an easily understood mapping of which data a business wishes to keep and the relationships between the data items. Development using data models is normally quicker than using RUP and UML. ERwin is one of several possible tools. Microsoft Sql Server includes a data modeling tool. More on data modeling and ERwin.
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