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Software recovery services ObjectLabs "software recovery services" for failed projects 

There are more crashed development projects and failed investments within IT than in any other profession. Serious budget overruns and delays are more a rule than an exception. Well reputed companies, expensive advisors, advanced methods for development and conscientious preparative work are no guarantee for prevention of big losses on systems that never reach completed status. The reasons may be various, like unsuitable development methodologies, faulty reward models, lack of risk aversion, unnecessary complexity, overstaffing, technological choices,  single individuals in the project and incompetent customers. ObjectLabs "software recovery services" is developed for projects in serious trouble.

Crashed development projects and budget overruns Troubled IT investments and budget overruns

ObjectLabs "software recovery services" is relevant for development projects with big time- and cost overruns. They are also valid for existing IT systems with unstable operations or high support costs. Our specialists enter the stage with "fresh eyes" and will have a different point of view than the parties involved. Causes will be analyzed and actions for improvement with measurable benefits will be taken and followed up, down to at times very detailed levels.

Expersts on simplification, recovery, and risk assessment What ObjectLabs does and how

The services are  based on the use of specialists, or even small teams of specialists, who know at heart the processes of software development from bits and bytes to high level concepts, methodology, economy and management. They have long experience in seeing ugly realities hiding behind the impressive catch words of IT business. They know the methods employed by consultancies to inflate simple tasks to profitable projects. And they are experts in simplification, putting things in order and quick risk assessment.
ObjectLabs a.s, Aschehougsvei 6, N-0587 Oslo, Norway. Phone (+ 47) 21 39 00 06. Mail post@objectlabs.no